Masters of Foxhounds Association

About the Masters of Foxhounds Association

The Masters of Foxhounds Association MFHA is the Governing Body for registered packs of Foxhounds and represents 170 packs that hunt within the law in England and Wales and a further 8 in Scotland.

The MFHA has a number of accepted policies and documents in place such as strict Rules and Codes of Conduct which give details of how hunts and hunting should be conducted. They have been written to promote standards of best practice in kennels and the field and to show the accountability of member packs. All Masters of Foxhounds packs are members of the MFHA and have to agree to abide by the Association’s Rules, Codes of Conduct and Instructions. The BHSA Office manages and implements the Governance Frameworks under the authority of the MFHA and other Hunting Associations.

On behalf of the MFHA, the BHSA Office undertakes a rolling programme of kennel inspections and field visits to ensure that all the rules are adhered to and standards are maintained both in kennels and on the field. It also organises training for new Masters and hunt staff, training days on breeding and judging hounds, registers hunting countries, and produces the annual Foxhound Kennel Stud Book.

The BHSA administers the sport of Team Chasing and, with the Point-to-Point Authority and the BHA, Point-to-Point racing.

Since 18th February 2005 foxhunting has been restricted by the Hunting Act 2004. The MFHA advises its members on hunting within that law, whilst campaigning to have it repealed.

MFHA Chairman: Andrew Osborne